To those of you who remember the Gang Wars with Hoodlum and others, well, IT'S BACK!!

Next weekend..

June 5th-7th, 2009. at 6:00 Pacific Standard Time (8:00 central and 9:00 Eastern)

We're gonna roll it out, again!

Gang Wars is literally what it is. 2-5 separate GANGS in one room. Organized attacking, Strategic gameplans to take down the other gang's that rule sections of the city.

Each gang is appointed to a section of the city. Depending on the amount of people, one gang can be appointed to 2 cities in Liberty City.

Each gang's terrority is a HOT SPOT. Get caught slippin' in the wrong area and it can be OVER for you!!

The objective: By using Team Deathmatch, we keep track on how well another gang is doing by the amount of money the entire gang has. At the end of the time limit, whoever is at the top, wins!

But the thing is.. It's not just a Team Deathmatch. It's completely organized. Siding with other gangs to take out another gang, or setting up a gang as if you sided with them, only to have been setting them up all along!

We've had FULL ROOMS.. that lasted HOURS.. This game mode we play is seriously one of the funnest things you can do with GTA 4. It's an adrenaline rush when you see a car of rival gang members FLY down the street while you're looking for another gang to get rid of!..

Setting up in buildings. Giving clues and or straight up telling the other gang where your at to have a SERIOUS firefight.

This way of play really relies on your gang to use SERIOUS teamwork. It's beyond dope to play.

There ARE rules. Very strict ones but they don't hamper the gameplay whatsoever. Just to keep people who like to be ignorant and try to ruin the game for others, in line.

Zero Tolerance for breaking rules. Break the rules and you're out of the room. Straight up. These games take quite a bit to get going because of the explanation and rundown for new comers, as well as refreshing it to everybody.

MSG me Via Xbox Live for participation confirmation. Or post here with your gamertag here. (It's an XBL Only event)

If you don't have GTA4 by Saturday, GET IT.

It starts Sharp at 6:00 and it can last for up to 3 days. So if you miss a day, it's alright. It's flexible enough for everybody to be able to make it. I advise you make it!!! It's not a game you want to miss. TRUST ME. TRUSSST ME.

Happy Shootings!!!