aight so im at a party while i told my parents id sleep over another friends house. so party gets busted, blah blah, then i come home next day all fine and dandy. then my dad checks theres mud inside my car and backseat( why because i can only have one passnger for my licencese) and drove past curfew. make things worse, as i tried texting my friend that couldnt give rides to him for that, he reads my past text that ahs to do with weed and alcohol, so now they get furious. i try lying to protect me and my friend but it brings blame on him. now cant talk or interact with my best friend or drive weekends or go out weekends, and now my friends pissed at me, and im stuck in a situation where i have to obey my parents and not talk to him or try to resolve things with my parents and him but risk getting to more trouble