Quote Originally Posted by andersatan View Post
I liked this alot.
Ramps were very well done they looked perfect.
1:08 Nosegrind Body Varial was beutiful, I cant get enough of those popless body varials.
1:47 50-50 on that rail thats super close to the wall shuvit out was dope as hell.
1:57 camera angle + ramp on that one foot was perfect, plus you did it into a tail slide on that rail thats close to the wall so it just made it that much better.
1:59 wtf was that.... so bad ass.
2:32 edit at that part was really cool with the flashes from your feet to the sign then frequency then back to skating.
2:38 really dope gap
3:02 popless shuv onto skinny ledge very well done.
3:20 popless flip onto skinny ledge equally well done.
3:53 half cab nose bonk 180 was sick.
Ender was ridiculous, that is all.
Thanks so much for that great comment.