Dudes, this shit was epic. I really really meant to give this a trick by trick review, one of them list things that people do. I can't do it. My brain just won't let me do it. Here's a summary.

Psychonauts. Good work team. Good effort, good hustle.

Intro - Good idea performed flawlessly.

Skatehead - Fuckin' fence ride and that kickflip to skinny yellow. Stuff at the boneyard was good too, those rails. Good shit, and I liked the song, everyone can suck it.

Anchors - Songs were perfect, filming was perfect, skating was perfect and fast. The old town footplant up the step up was amazing. Kf crooks while skatehead runs up the stairs was sweet. Ender!

Demz - Song worked well, super into that gap across from deuling snakes. The finger flip was crazy as shit. Switch tre noseslide was awesome. Truly epic part, that ender is no joke.

Damn dudes, that shit was amazing. Like everyone else said it felt like 3 minutes. I'm not sure that I comprehend everything that happened. Gonna have to watch it again soon.