school project for skept&Logic i made w/ a friend...

P.s. In the interviewing part... I'm not in any of the clips or talked...

P.s.s. we had to make the video 2 days before we presented it cuz we f***ed up

Skept&Logic is a class that we think Skeptical (thoughtful) and Logic.. Pretty self explanatory... We discuss weekly on different topics such as Hoaxes, Paranormal things, News Media today, Unexplainable events(also could be NOT paranormal stuff), Conspircies, Watching the moon landing scene,2012.... etc...

It's a pretty awesome class, I'm guessing not many people have the chance to get a class like this so i'm pretty lucky..

the best part.. my teacher is f'ing awesome... he's like... a human.. compared to other teachers.