Quote Originally Posted by robley View Post
i typed out this big response filled with what i believe are valid points, but it was so long i didn't even want to read it.

to summarize, you should probably just post more at EA.

(the big response had so many dick jokes in it it would make your head spin. it also had two fart references.)

EDIT: i also want to point out the warm reception the last video you posted received. which is not my style, nor is it the style of many of the people who gave you positive encouragement, which i can assure you some of wasn't genuine. it's called interacting with other people in a friendly "i'm not a douchebag" way. google it and try it out.
Hey this is a forum, a place where you share your opinion. IMO I'd rather have everyone be honest so I can improve my videos, but since styles in this game have grown like 2 miles apart it's hard to criticize. So the thing is, I've always been honest with my opinion, yeah even those 5-6 months ago, but I guess you only checked out the hoodlum stuff, eh? Because I was a fkn active flucker. Still, if you think my vid sucks, just say so, because in the end that's what the forum is for.
Thereby I only play this game for editing material... So I take everybody's advice equally. Please don't think I turn emo when 'you', the almighty Robley, don't give me a 'warm welcome'.
Plus do you really think one comment would do him harm?

I barely check out the EA forums Mr. 'Oh hey it's robley', for me it's just skatecc.net.

And some more about my own video:
I've received comment saying that people think I have a nice style, I'd love to say stuff about this guy too, but for me it felt like 'another unrealistic vid like that', even if he hadn't posted here yet.

Honestly, I felt like most ppl here took over TheBullet's style, and I loved his style. Same goes for GymAllstar. Now many people made it generic.

One question:
Do I have to state that this is all just my opinion? Common sense much? A forum?