Hey Fluckit,

I guess there is a screenshot of me saying certain things in reply to gitCHU ONe's rant about fluckit being a 'rival' site and moreover all the bad seeds within the community, collectively.

I stand beside everything I said except the sarcastic "..their amazing community, lol.". I respect a ton of people in the skate community (you know how you are) and I try to be a friendly, supportive, and respectful member wherever I go at all times.

I still feel the layout and shoutbox here are "pisspoor", but that's neither here nor there and it doesn't showcase the quality of material here and the quality of people who reside within fluckit itself.

I do expect 'some' heat from this, from certain people but overall I hope that my words can be forgiven. I doubt I will visit here anymore than I ever have but I do admire the bulk of the people here immensely.

again, I give my sincerely and humble apologies to the general fluckit crew,

Rhekaan :3