this conversation is why I love fluckit. Sustained, friendly, intelligent, and detailed when and where it counts. This community is a safe haven.

That being said, I'm definitely using the demo as a test run for hc. When I go pick up my pre-order, I should know how i feel about hc. If I'm in love with it, I may never switch back. If I feel like my game just got kneecapped, I may stay normal. If it seems like each mode has it's benefits, I maybe a half and half kind of guy, chinos and polos by day, switchblades and back alley bettys by night.

The demo, will be all hardcore, because I honestly need something new, I'm having a hell of a time skating S2 right now, at all, because I know hardly anyone cares.

Tell you this much right now, Heckle session at the mega park will regularly be played on normal . . . . while filming sw tail to blunt slides will undoubtedly be in hc.