Back from Hoildays so now the fun begins....
Is everyone happy that I set the parks up??
Once completed you can fuck about with them to your hearts content and republish them, but making sure they are still fluckit born and bred...

First off, let's see how many people want to contribute to the project..
stick your name down here and what kind of park you want to be involved with (hope we can all contribute something to every park...)

It would be great if we can get something up by the end of the month...
Here's the 4 parks and what I think will work best, this might change depending on wether all the parks are the same dimensions and the amount stuff we have to implement...

Park 1...street...Team HQ Park

Park 2....Vert.....PCU Park

Park 3.....Plaza....Downtown Park

Park 4....Mega/Crazy shit.....Stadium Park

Anyone want to make this or something similar...

I suggest we start with the street course, so be ready to post your images wether they be line drawing, photos, ingame park setups(not until next week etc

I will set up another thread so you can post your setups soon...