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Thread: The Hardcore Comparison

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  1. #1
    Amateur Flucker Unflexed's Avatar
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    May 2010
    Outside, looking in.

    Default The Hardcore Comparison

    If you stop reading this half way through, you'll turn into a banana.

    I'll start with the cons:

    The Drop In
    Who the hell drops in to be slowed down to a crawl? And lets face it, it's hella annoying trying to set your board down on a narrow ledge and eating a faceplant because he thinks your trying to bust in on a halfpipe.

    Call A Skater
    Good concept, bad overall effect. Why call up some dude with a blue line behind him when you can follow one of the other over abuntant skaters that do the same shit as your so called "friend" including telling you to watch it if you get to close, Because he gets magically poofed back to you when gets to a certain distance? No thanks.

    Mix it up abit Black Box
    Do the city folks migrate to port carverton for the summer or something? Cause i see the same fat ass tourist's from skate 2's inner city, and her voice didn't improve in the least.

    Skaters are Pussies?
    I punched that same large love handled women 6 or 7 times before she fell over from god knows what, and before i knew it she lays my ass out with 1 clean blow. Why give us a broken weapon? Might as well put guns but no ammunition in the game.

    Really Black Box?
    Backside is when you stand with you butt........ STFU, if i wanted to be treated like a 12 year old without pubic hair i'd go to skate camp with tony hawk. Why put tidbits for things you already covered in "trick guide"? What happened to Robby D's favorite trick? Or maybe his favorite in game spot? This is skateboard not iceskating, show some style!

    Run, Jog, or sprint.
    I've seen some lame ass animations in my time, so i can't diss to hard on BB's attempt at making a hardly important part of skating into something i'm not sure is even any better then there last try, but where the hell did side step/walk go? And why do i run like a charater in flash gordon, i keep waiting for the hit of speed he took to wear off... It never does.

    Hall of Lame
    Who the crap breaks 4 ribs, shatters an ankle, cracks open his skull, and eats a mountful of concrete then decides to kick off the ground for an extra bit of painful pleasure..... 6 or 7 times!!!?? Plus no random HoM's when just skating around? Feels more like a burnout crash mode then skateboarding. Not to mention jumping off a building looks as painful as hitting a curb wrong in skate2.

    Campus Scare
    Skating for the first 15-20 minutes of skate3 frightened me to all hell. Seeing a track and field skatepart, a suburb with one place(maybe 1 and half) to skate, and a coach more eccentric then a GTA character bought my hype from a 110% to about 4.2%. To be fair i was unaware of the good things i would soon find.

    The Good The Better, and the Best

    Manual Glory
    Underneath the carverton port, is a SICK little ledge that curves into a nice 90 degrees onto the street, upon seeing this i was sure i was going to grind the sides for 10 minutes before saying F-IT, but to my great surprise within the first couple perfectly aimed ollies my front wheels tasted the sweet honey of clean rolling atop a narrowed pad of concrete. A crisp flip onto the ghetto streets never felt so glorious. Great job on that aspect BB!

    Sportin` the Brand
    BB's got some creativeness in them, stickers around to city is definitly a nice touch. But let's see some real loyalty to the major board company, hows about that cute black haired college chick strips down to a bikini after 1mill sales and gets my logo tramp stamped on her back! Then i'll be motivated.

    Port Carverton, Land of the Free
    Put a camera anywhere i want? Take the picture whenever i want? Doesnt matter if i even land the trick? Oh you are too kind. What is to stop us from photo'ing that fugly tourist lady taking a board to the grill on the final thrasher mag cover? NOTHING! Some say revenge is bittersweet, but hey, atleast now we can decide for ourselves.

    Low Pops, High Dreams
    Seeing that casual hop from a grind into a manual, or onto a flat, even to another grind brings image of toast to my mind, and this time... Theres butter on it! Lots of it, that much smoothness could clog the arteries!

    What? I'm Anti-Social From Replays?
    Start, Scroll right, Scroll down, Skate.Reel, WHAT!? An ingame Watch/Delete Replay mode? AND it loads fast?!? Now i don't have to sit on my ass all day deleting my drunk midnight "SICKKKK" Saves? Damn i liked doing that after a hangover.

    Cali Sunshine EVERYDAY
    Well, Black Box, you've done it again, both the downtown and that portside areas make me believe tomorrow could be a great day for lazy bastards like myself who love to skate, but live in shit ass towns that rain 370 days out of the year. Overall---- 60 ObamaBucks well spent.

    EDIT:: BTW all this was observed in HC mode, never even loaded a normal/easy game. Feel free to add/disagree with any of it.
    Last edited by Unflexed; 05-14-2010 at 01:54 PM.
    Concrete Creed

    Think cholesterols a bitch? Try having concrete running through your veins.

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