So, I found myself teleporting around, looking for spots that I wanted to skate and realised that, even with everything that I love about S3, there's nowhere I really want to spend time skating. I think this is probably due to the repetition of spots between the first two games.

I've given up. I actually got bored of Skate for the first time in, what, 4 years? That and the real lack of anyone to play online with (apart from adda, who I've not had a chance to skate with yet - thanks for the add by the way) have really taken the wind out of the sails for me.

What a bummer.

Of course, this could also be to do with me getting Red Dead Redemption and being completely blown away... but really, I just can't find any excitement for S3 right now.

Perhaps if y'all added me and we hooked up online at some point, I'd get more out of it... but most of y'all are on the Xbox anyway, whereas I'm on PS3... sucks to be me in Port Carverton right now.

If anyone does fancy adding me and meeting up at some point, my PSN ID is budmuhnquai. Help me get back into it!