For those who havent seen this movie leave this page now.... ok now that their gone whoever has seen it i have a few questions.

I understand the view that Teddy voluntarily choose to have the lobotomy at the end of the movie instead of living with what his wife had done and that he had killed his wife. What I do not understand is when the lead guy at shutter Island, the one that teddy meets at the lighthouse says they do not perform any surgeries...that he led teddy to the lighthouse because teddy had it in his head that they did. YET when he meets the doctor in the cave she tells him they do, and she tells him about the needles and the electric shock otherwise we would have no clue what the needle at the end of the movie in the white cloth meant if we didnt meet her. Yet the Lead guy says she did not exist...So I am confused. was Dicaprio fine the entire movie? and if they were doing the surgery where at? Also why did the crazy lady write "Run" on the notepad?