oh man, such a good pickup. Both these dudes kill, glad they are on DP, so glad.

Inward: opening footplant line, inward heel 180 on the bank, boneless 360 on that blue thing, inward heel to quick backsmith ruled, switch wallie at 2nd navy, plywood runup bigspin, awesome tailwalk ender, loved the second angle.

Perm: I think you've creeped up into my top 5 list, I seriously can't get enough of your style and tricks. Love the way you approach this game. I'm jealous of just about every clip because I know I'll never be creative enough to think of that stuff.

Wallie 50 bigpsin, 3flip lip to tail, wallie to backnoseblunt was dreamy, that crazy tweeked rodeo flip? or whatever it was, it was bonkers, tree wallie 180, back 3 off the boat to the cargo bins, ender line.