skatehead graowww, such a distinctive style
loved that nollie 50-50 the rincon rail
wallride lateshuv
kick back tail downtown
roof 360

wallie footplant/noseblunt @ parkade, really hard spot jesussss. I got a killer trick there for you ahah
fuck ya life, did you deliberately smack your tail in that 360 to street?
quarry trick
sw hurricane line wow
ship hulls hahaha fuuuck off
(every trick)
switch inward heel HOLY FUCK best looking trick so far
... never touching that barrier again... you killed it in a span of 15 seconds

SHIT you actually cleared that gap!!! I LOVE YOU
insane factory line
was that a wallie to sw 5-0? sick either way
(loads of great shit)
woo another clip from my park
kf bs overcrook
mall line with 5-0 shuv and nosegrind
killer ender, wow
great song too

( I started out writing everything I liked but ended up with every trick, so I just left the absolute top 3 here )
wallie back tail 270 flip
cab hurricane
kf fs crook OMG FUCK YOU, managed to grind that barrier! don't wanna know how many times I've tried that

quickstep bs flip gap
tailwalk gigant-a-stair
stair blunt flip to fakie purrrrrr
into bus shelter
bs smith on the boat
...aand some more enormous gaps nobody else will ever land. jesus

I love you guys and this was fucking fantastic