the only rap ive ever written:

When I first started skatin bout 7 years ago
All there was to know was the mainstream status quo
Once I heard of Rodney Mullen my creativity starts to flow
My very own brand of freestyle starts to grow

Its all good if my tricks aint got pop
cuz damn straight my fipideefloos flop
Thanks To Mullen Im addicted I cant stop
oldschool, thats the style I drop

I chill out, I set myself free
I dont care what you want me to be
One things for sure, I skate for me

Just go out and do what I like
Dont care if im getting it right
One things for sure, I skate for life

360 boneless, no comply shuvits
1440 manual spins, you gotta love it
Sure, I catch my kickflips a foot undrground
But you know what I found, this kinda shit is profound

You see I, dont skate for the money or fame
And I, dont care if tricks are ugly or lame
I Just do my own thing, for the love of the game
its one in the same, (it's a desire)
that can never be tamed, refrain