holy fuck
epic intro song to say the least
wow. embers song, diggin the soundtrack so far.
231, 253, 335, line at 443

the ungrindable at 541, front lipping the middle of the rail :O
sick tricks on demz's wall
late heel back salad :O switch flip back feeble, front blunt at 710 was nasty
the pool ladder was nasty
and i tried skating that gap in your ender, fucking ridiculous

mamba, once again, awesome song
:O the pool ladder at 38
rail transfer was cool, switch flip down the double set was huge
kickflip back feebs was nasty, 2 tricks on the bent rail were nasty
the banger was HUGE. wow

seks. what's the song??
holy fluck at the roof gap at 430
:O the back 3 at 4:42, fakie big heel was nuts too
line at demz's park was nasty
heelflip back lip :O
HOLY SHIT at the line at 5:48
the three tricks on the rail at 6:08 were so ridiculous
excuse me four. holy god. that pole is nuts
WOW. that banger was fluckin incredible

seamonkey. opener was nuts. so cool
the whole soundtrack to this video so far has been on par (forgot to mention it in a few of the parts i'm sure)
nollie bigspin flip to fakie manny fakie tre switch nose tap :O
footplant transition looked good as hell. that whole line was good
the ramps worked really good with your song
monster kickflip. wallie nosemanny was awesome
you murdered the diy park
the coffin trick was really cool
banger was nuts, looked so nice

redhook, sorry i didn't have much to say about you, i was getting high while watching the beginning of this so please understand lol

overall was an amazing watch. agree with signguy above, didn't feel like 20 minutes