So I had seen thesignguy post a few links to fluckit over at EA, saw the "We are Fluckit" video...

And now here I am....

I am on the roster for Harmonic...

I've been fakeskating and luvin' it since S.1 release day.... But have only started "filming" in the last few months.

I'm addicted to video editing now... can't get enough of it, it's so similar to mixing up tracks with a turntable/mixer its uncanny...

I started on skate forums over at CC, and felt like I was talking to myself; moved to EA because of the higher volume of traffic. (now kinda tired of the unruliness there)

I like to think of myself like a sponge... soaking up all the information around me... then spitting it back out as my own....
I'm sure if you have watched any of my video parts: someone out there can spot something I stole from watching one of their vids :wink: