About time..

Intro was great. A bit wierd but thats the Pyscho style I guess..

Supafly... unskateable back tail, flip fakie. double grinds of course. awesome. That feeble in the old factory looked ridiculous... that "noseblunt" across the sidewalk thing. ive been wanting to do one of those, now i won't seem original. oh well. haha. who hippy jumps a gap?

DRFA... noseblunt stall..i like that gap over the ledge to handrail. nice idea. DIY nosegrind transfer was well done. awh that parkade grab was awesome. ender was dope too

Hesh... Dammnn kickflip tail that low in a pool? crazy ledge lines. smith flip out. oh shit, nose over to blunt sanitarium. great part.

Hard At Lurk... crazy filming.. downstairs lipslide was neat kickflip nose to bank at ghetto spot.. drehoble fakie on the barrier was awesome

Knexzor... Right off the start, that bricklynn line was goood. firecracker grind? haha. ooh, hurricane to bank. Holyy Shit, judo tail could not have been better. perfect.

Horsehead... Fuck, you used a gap I was going to use. dammit. Sign drop in was great. FUCK, you did another one of my gaps, it was a nice pop shuv though.. WHAT THE.. stop lurking my reel. wallie late shuv was sick... i got a wallie bs nosegrab..you win. ooh, back tail flip fakie in the pool. stop sign slide was sick, id like to see someone do that outside.

Robley.. Im sorry my friends clip was too late. i forget things. nice wallie tail line. crazy gap at university.. did you clip? i think you did..noseblunt from hell. supafly i'm sorry i questioned your hippy jump gap..iguess its a pyshco thing. awesome none the less. Biiig tre up..great part robley.

Bullet... Somehow I knew you would be getting ender..starting line was sick. loong ungrindable nosegrind.. and the sideways footplant. holy shit pole ride madness.. what..greensuit trick..wow, ender...

truly felt like a real full length. great job everyone