Quote Originally Posted by fallingskyline View Post
All i wanted to say has already been said. Which was:

1. the skating itself was mad and sweet, nice tricks and variety

2. the song being nice a while, but i grew tired of it very fast, but don't take it personal 'cause this is just a matter of taste and cannot be argued about.

3. maybe the most important part. your cams, you have a good approach but you kill it with way too many set markers, which makes the cam itself choppy and at times hard to follow. it sometimes seems that there are like 8-10 markers on one trick. its like the cam is here then there then here again, high and low and so on. it is okay to set many markers to make the cam do what you want it to do, but and here's the key, you gotta delete most of them after the cam does the pan you want it to do, which in this state (markers still set) is kinda hectic and i call it choppy, you go and choose like the minimum amount of markers needed, obviously pop, highest point of the trick and the landing, those are the three markers which shouldn't be deleted in first approximation, after deleting the other markers you'll realize the cam being much smoother, but at most times it might cut out parts of your tricks, now comes the second attempt of setting markers, which is corrections of how high or low the cam is (looking up or down i mean, not the actual height), maybe some minor tweaks to the site, but just let the cam itself where it is no corrections on where the cam is. if you do it that way you'll realize the cam will be so much smoother. maybe you give it a shot and try it out that way.

4. i'm glad you held back with the effect-craze you had on some of your last vids

looking forward to see more of you

[EDITed] for better understandings
hey thanks for that.....i didnt know about deleting markers after working out the line ,angle etc.....