**If you got this one on Sunday when I first put it up, there was a minor earthquake issue. I fixed it. Please download the new one. The old one is no longer up, so there will be no confusion.**

I wanted to design a night time park with hills. I knew lining up the streets was going to be a pain, but I think it was worth it. Some of the edges bump when you're going uphill, but it's smooth sailing downhill in the streets. The sidewalks bump, but it's unavoidable. This might be the only park where I actually bother to build the custom rails. The speed is just too inconsistent with them.

I'm going to take a break from CAP for a little while to get more filming done for upcoming projects, so I hope this one is good enough to tide people over for a little while. Fu Manchu @ Palantine coming soon.

Download it.
