I guess I'm supposed to say hi here or something....what?....They're reading this??


Didn't see you there.

I'm Prof Blahson, pronounced [prof (short for PROFessor, said with a SHORT "o" sound)] [blah (SHORT "a" sound)-suhn (like: "the sun is shining bright today, isn't it?)]

Yeah, I'm weird. Oh well. Looks like you're gonna have to deal with me around here too, eh?
But seriously.

Been playing Skate since S2....uh...was a huge fan, started making videos, got better, made a team, (iNH), which has been around for about a year and a half almost I believe now....we've, obviously, moved into S3....which I still enjoy, unlike many people :-/

llamas requested that we make profiles here to post, cuz we've got a new fully coming up (yup...shameless plugging...in an introduction?! How rude!) and the EA forums are kinda jank, so he didn't expect us to be able to get/see many responses there haha (it's true though).

Anyway, hope I didn't bug y'all too much.

Hype for (iRY), all that jazz ^_^