Sorry if I am blocking the chances for someone else to comment, but I feel otherwise this thread will die.

But yeah, Graveyard is one of my absolute favoritebands. I have about 4-5 bandshirts by them, all 3 of their albums and I also have 2 Graveyard-stickers on my skateboard
I really love their sound and what they do. I actually found out about them here on Fluckit when SkHate88 posted a link for their Hisingen Blues-album and after the first listen I completely fell in love with the band!
And I really love this song, I really like the drums and the tempo in the chorus versus the calm in the verses. And if you want something harder by them you should listen to "Seven Seven" from their Lights Out-album! It has a killer tempo going through the whole song! You should just listen through all of their stuff, they have some incredible stuff!

And from Graveyard we go to another band in the small circle of "Swedish 70s-inspired stoner rock". Here's Witchcraft!