I'll chuck this thread a reply.
Ah, heavy metal. I used to be a huge metal-head. That was before my shift to classic rock, then folk right, right over to gypsy-jazz, then anarcho-punk, and now to... well i'll get to that later.
While I can't stomach metal at the moment, I did listen to that song all the way through and I might actually hand it to one of my friends. It sounds like a song that he would really love. While I don't listen to metal at the moment I still do have a sense of what is high-quality stuff, and these Hellstar guys fall into that category.

Now, this may be suicide. But in order to inject some variety into this thread, I will post this song. This album has transcended 'music' for me, I don't even know what it is to me. But its something. Here is a short song from the album, to increase the chances of you guys listening all the way through.

The guy who is singing has Chrohn's disease (a debilitating disorder of the intestines which results in the sufferer being IV-bound for 16 hours a day). He used to be in a math-rock band which is also incredibly good, but shifted to this style.
Again, this probably won't jive with the metal heads out there. But it should give some variety to the thread.
Just on the side here, a couple of different songs on the album were featured in 'Happy Medium'.