So, first i have to say: This isnt my best creation, doesnt mean thats bad. Actually i have skated it probably more that any of my parks without filming for any promo vid.
Really good objects all around, nice lines to skate, famous 20 stair copy, grass gap with V-style Tree in middle of it, small handrails, wedge ledges and really good miniramp with spine inside the college building. Actually i my terrain meter went full too early and no parts to delete so there's is quite much empty space in "frontyard" of park and theres no "landscape filling" outside of "park" but it have no effect to fakeskating. Park also looks pretty good in video even i hate CAP's light...way too bright.

If anyone ever had some ideas of spots that wanted to fakeskate; Post them here so i can use them i next parks cause i'm feeling like creating sth bt no they're welcomed =)


College entry

Must have these in every parks

The 20 stairs

Another angle. You can also see that "v"-tree behind picnic tables

Organic bench art

Spined mini. Actually the basic mini (without copings and decks) is made from two pieces so theres no lagging or sticky parts.
