here is my tip
don't skate anyone elses park
I have only maybe skated 2 or 3 other parks than my own
makes mine seem like nobody elses
OK maybe bad advice
I cant get away from downward slanted parks
I don't think my parks are like anyone elses, although I would have no idea
watch your meter, worst enemy
use half pads or smaller stuff when possible, if you have 75% of a big piece not showing try and find other ways to make it to save space
don't overload the trees, trees specially big trees suck space like a bitch
be creative, blah always equals blah
I have been using premade corner, ramps, etc etc for my floor. the color change at the lip sucks visually but the generic flat floor is drab.
hide gaps to nothingness, was my main gripe with my last park, it limits filming if you have a 100 foot drop between 2 objects
don't overlap pads, i really hate this because it limits things, but I really hate when a overlapped pad or object changes and flickers ingame
cater your park to your skating, if you cant enjoy it whats the point
use different stuff, you can create just about anything you would want if you put your mind to it
use snap, probably my biggest gripe is that you should be able to turn this on and off easier, if you don't use it it is taking valuable merges. If you have 2 objects snapped they are not merged, if they aren't snapped then it limits you to whatever you want to sink it into or something into it
fine tune rotate is your friend. some objects give you fits merging even though they don't seem like they should. just move around in minute increments, pay attention to when it flashes blue. If you aren't happy with it slightly rotate it to see if you can get better placement. This is extremely useful with transition pieces, a slight rotation can give you a extra foot or 2 in the ground.
nothing better than skating your park before completion, some things seem way cooler than they actual are. I always fine tune pieces every time I play in my park, that's why I hate when I skate someone elses park and it wont let me tweak.