Quote Originally Posted by thesignguy View Post
Bicycle, I was kinda kidding, but I think any label on skateboarding is improper
I don't skate like Pawn, but it is def skateboarding
I have a friend that slaloms and downhills, he's a skateboarder too
yeah, i figured you were kidding a little but i also sensed a little something else in there.
my two cents(and this applies to the whole convo):

yeah we're all skaters, but we have different prefrences. We all eat different types of food but we don't call everyone a pizza guy or a chicken man. We say everyone eats. Sure, that guy may prefer pizza, but that doesn't mean we should call him that. Sure, that man may like chicken, but that doesn't mean we should call him that. We simply say that he eats food.
I eat food. Im a skateboarder. I prefer pizza. I like to skate street... but im still a skateboarder.
He eats food. He's a skateboarder. He prefers chicken. He likes to longboard....but he's still a skateboarder.
All skaters. But different types... All the same, yet just a little different. Can't we all just get along and enjoy this miracluous feast we call skateboarding? Is that so much to ask? I like to think not. so how about you

thank you for your time.

/horrible metaphor (OR SHOULD I SAY MEATAPHORE L0OLOLOLOL) that most deffinitly contradicts itself.. you get the goddamn point.