Haha, no worries man.
I don't expect everyone to dig it.. Not anymore any way.
I respect that feedback is real here, usually.
If I didn't I wouldn't still be sharing.
I am still expressing myself, learning, growing.
If we're talking about experiences...
I can look through this thread, remember the feedback I was getting at first?
Now it's just about the effects?
Feels minimal to me.
I'll take it in so thank you, I'm grateful, but I've come a long way.
I can only give into feedback so much, gotta do me.
Not to mention the feedback I've already received, other peeps enjoy everything I've put out so far.
If you don't dig it now, you may in the future, and if you don't that's cool too.
Just letting you know what's up, it's not going to change drastically, but I do and have taken everything in.
Other things to note;;
PC IS WHACK>Main playback device is the Iphone>With headphones>No editing software>Using video editor for music.
Didn't let it stop me though, I dig my stuff.
When I'm done with the mixtape I'd like you guys to hear that too.
It starts off eh, gets better and my last few songs might come through.
I feel I've progressed over the last three months, and I can see it going up as the next song comes on.
So if you dig it even a little bit, just keep listening.
Any amount of support is great, real, negative, good/bad, it all helps to an extent.
I'm seriously considering albums in the future too.
One man band in the background type shit with some raps.
Just grinding for a better setup right now.

Hit up the thread when that new stuffs out saunders I'd Like to listen.

Keep doing your thing guys, you know I will!