Day three sounds good, man.

Seems the hardest thing for an MC to do is meet a damn producer/engineer. I've had some stuff written that I've wanted to bring on to the stage for going on three years now, but lacked the second half of the act. Now, I know a cat, and we're finally making some headway, but it's been a long road. On the plus side, my abilities have gone from a drip to a dribble and are moving towards being a real flow, so the practice is definatly worth the patience... But MAN it sucks knowing you want to, and can do something, but need a second set of braincells to make it work.

If your area is anything like mine, don't bother with Craigslist. You'll find a bunch of dudes who want to sell you their beats, which is cool if you have the fundage to do that, but isn't the kind of work I wanted to do.

Best place to meet the like minded is really college. Dunno if you're that age (you seem to be in the later teenage years, who knows) but if you ask around at a local community college your pretty likely to find someone else who's bored and got some passion.