Yeah I recently went over 540s but I pivot out of it.. can't get past it yet.
How are your lines coming?

I made a few new tricks haha It's what I do..
One foot pop a 360 flip grab it by the tail and throw it under me as I jump with it 3 out of 15-ish tries.. this ones rough.

Fakie big spin footplant one foot pivots.. or FBSF's haha roll fakie plant my foot as I spin the 360 shuv and pivot the last 80 degrees with one foot place front foot back on.

The Handy man! this ones easy and so fun.. walk next to the board parallel put front foot under it toes on other side pull leg in toward you grab it and flick it down as soon as you can reach it.

Also working on sal flip underflips (with my hand)
and one foot pop 360 flip late shuvs