A lot of "I think this or I think that" going around
I passed allong the question to Cuz this morning so hopefully we may get some concrete answer/answers.
I still have hope and I think we will get it back until I hear otherwise from a reliable source. Plus with cap cards, our "art" can still be done.
If I'm wrong this will without a doubt be the beginning of the end.
It doesn't have to be the end of our comunity.
I have enjoyed meeting a lot of the people envolved with this game and hope to continue to do so.
We can continue to have a comunity that shares similar interests. We can always change this site in anyway to do so. Most if not all of us share the love for skateboarding and for me at least fluckit has been one of if not the biggest source for any skateboard related info/videos

My gt is thesignguy
Fb is Brian McClenahan

Your thoughts?