Jest - I promise when I have some time, I'll read all that and try to formulate some proper dialouge. At the moment, I'm too pooped for someone else's smarts.

Antwan - Dude, I don't know you well enough to judge you beyond the fact it seems you do some decent fakeskating. What I would say to or about you is that our bullshit threshold is set at different levels. Where that footage got your attention and raised your curiosity, I instantly (through my own sort of logic, which we all have) tore it to bits and labeled it as bullshit. I'm sorry, but taking any GW quote in any context is about as credible as getting the same information from my girlfriend's three year old daughter. The man wasn't very bright, and time and time again was caught spewing sewage from the manhole under his nose. Sadly, in my opinion, about 90% of the conspiracy theories I've heard trip my bullshit alarm, as very few of them prove anything at all. It's not that I think that there's no chance there was something more up that we'll never know... But I have better things to burn calories over in my own life. What may or may not be based on speculation just isn't worth my time. Someone shows me hard, factual proof, and I'll listen.

But hey, I don't think the USA is going to exist in the next century due to the fact there's so much disconnect between the Govt. and the people, and the people themselves. Our government is more concerned with bickering over party-line bullshit to focus on the greater good of the people, and the people tend to be too self absorbed to do anything but bitch. As the left and right continue to seperate, and that bipartisanship continues through the government, we're just getting closer to another civil war.