Wowwowowowowowow.... Not much time to review right now but I cannot put into words, even if I wanted to, how proud I am of this fucking group!

Roc... BY FAR, by far, by far... Your best fucking editing ever! Not only that, but I thought your part in this killed EVERYTHING you have ever done. Each trick you threw down maybe me say "woah, what the fuck" outloud in my house, by myself. You absolutely blew my mind in this full length. I have been a part of your skate life throughout Skate 2 and most of 3 but I have never felt prouder bro... (ok, off your dick now)

And the edit on the friends section was perfect. Through all of this you also put my part together for me and it came out awesome. Thanks brutha.

Everyone killed in Tranny Killers! I know how much Embers wanted that thing to be kick ass and it did not disappoint at all. Glad to be a part of this full fellas!

Proud to be on Threat today!