Quote Originally Posted by bohemian View Post
usa with your president is behind the war on terror, this makes him responsible

random link to give you some numbers

you still feel the lives of 3000 americans are more worth?
sidenote, over 4000 us soldiers are among those deaths you wanna revenge the other 3000 with. how you can feel pride and justice is beyond me.

and the link is from 2006. numbers are staggering.

The Current US President didn't start the war and in fact, has very little to do with the actual day to day missions that have happened during the war. As opposed to Bin Laden, who had a hand in directly crafting 9/11 as well as issuing the direct order to execute that plan as well as other attacks.

You say that the US President should be held responsible for US, Enemy, and Civilian lives lost during a time of war, correct? So what then should the President (Bush) have done instead of waging war? What could be done to give justice to the victims of Bin Laden's many terrorist actions? What keeps Bin Ladin from attacking again?

What about other Anti-American forces? If Bin Laden gets off with a pass, what's to keep someone like.. say Kim Jong-il from attacking South Korea and the US, re-igniting that war?

What, in your opinion, was the right decision to make?