Well as long as there is a TV and an internet the problem will remain self perpetuating. For me it's more fun to laugh at people like him and anyone else who is trying to be funny. I mean why should I care about who he pisses off, it's not me so in the long run I'm fine with it. Jersey Shore, and Donald Trump and all those shows are further pushing the stupidity, more so than Tyler, who may be an asshole, but is still pushing kids to make music their own way instead of doing the real black stereotype and rapping about cars, money and bitches. Further more Idgaf what race a person is, stereotypes can be funny they just have to be done correctly and they have to attack every race. Point is, let him live, why do we all have to feel the need to judge people who are famous? He's living his life the way he pleases and unless the woman driving is directly related to you it shouldn't be a big deal that he's acting stupid. When he does something to you though, you have the right to get mad.