In honor of Memorial Day here in the states I decided to release this park. Basically it's a concrete bowl park set up for summer skating and what not. Here are some pictures to give you the general idea, the deck is a bit janky at the corners just because of the fact that there was weird merges, but it's not like there's alot to do on the deck.

Outside is just a couple of small fun spots plus a remake of the gap that Mike Carroll tries to hit in his intro part in Fully Flared. Thought it'd be fun.

Street course.

Tombstone extension in the "Bump Bowl"

The "Dinner Bowl" as well as some ramps feeding from the street course and "The Nest"

The mini ramp and the rest house.

Skatable grill! (Reason for the name "Dinner Bowl")

Another view.

Lots of opportunities for gaps out of either side of the mini ramp.

Off site skateboarding school facility (Or as replicant so eloquently put, a "No-no spot")
There's the link (I saved it as fairview like a moron) Enjoy and shred and happy Memorial Day to all of you state siders.

ALSO anyone who is interested in filming and community competitions, be on the look out for a competition that I'm trying to start up around here, building the park for it at the moment, rules and more info to follow.