Evening all,

I'm not much of one for releasing parks too often, but I wanted to show the guys at Fluckit how grateful we are for providing the team thread we desperately needed and thus providing us a home.

So, welcome to Fluckit Industries, if you're a fan of my parks then I think you'll like this, I personally think it's one of my best to date...


The FLUCKIT centrepiece, every letter is a unique block combo, all skateable.

The loading bay/industrial area with unique security gates, gaps, polejam etc.

One of the unique security gates, East Coast steez for the homies.

Roofgaps flow along the industrial roofs, find the teleport!

The tech/banked area including awned area.

The Yin/Yang relaxation area.

Find your way to the forbidden forest and the fountain of youth...

Download Link: Link

Enjoy and please make the effort to give feedback, us CAPers put alot of time into these for your shredding pleasure.

This is also fresh to the CNBS team, literally no one has skated this but me, so I hold my hands up if there're any issues.
