Welcome to Southlake town square (CNBS certified)

Description- This spot is a town square featuring a movie theater, mcdonalds, and hotel. I spent a good deal of time on this joint so I hope you all enjoy it. As always I encourage feedback in all forms. Lemme know what you guys think!

trip set/entrance to town square...I was going to put a rail in the middle but i couldn't get it worked out. Oh well

This is the movie theater. It has some stuff outside to cast spells on

corner shot! Custom bench creepin

Some chill stuff to skate in this pic

This spot was made with love

This one with ketchup...

Its not easy to get grinds on the ledge Im bs tail'n in this pic...but definitely fun

lines lines lines

another angle of mcdonalds. Are you getting hungry?

Am I the only one who likes to look at the opposite side of parks?

Download link-http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentT...itemId=1825870