Quote Originally Posted by I sever heads View Post
Honestly i dont like to bag on music. Im pretty open minded, but this might be one of the worst songs ive ever heard and didnt compliment the skating. I know u can just mute it but whatever... Who was it btw? I dont really get complete vids of only hippieflips but i can respect it, they sure take some time. Im guessing that varial flip was pretty tough i dont think ive ever landed one. Anyway keep doin you and ill be lookin out for the next one!
lolol that wasn't a real song, it was a mashup of two different songs, one from a metal band, the other from justin bieber. I used it because I got a kick out of it the first time I listened to it and I try to be more wacky and experimental with my hippie flip montages. You most likely would have thought different if you listened to Psychosocial before. Thanks though, any feedback is appreciated.