I think I've decided since anyone with a cell phone has a cheap camcorder on them at all times I'm going to start collecting the tricks I bag on my phone and do some videos seasonally. Started with the Spring of Suck, and as I skate a lot more in the Summer, I suck slightly less. So, here's the preview of "The Summer of Slightly Less Suck."

Also, this park opened when I was 16, and it's been my local spot on and off since. When me and my skaterat buddies first started going, none of us had any experience at all skating on tranny. As we messed around, I noticed I could kinda get into the blunt stall. It took me 11 years to figure out a way to roll away from it, and actually be able to do so. Sorry to pat my own back, but I've never been so proud of a trick. 23 years of skating and sucking makes you pretty sentimental, I s'pose.