As some of you may be aware CNBS are playing a little game where we each picked an area and something we would like to skate in it that area, then someone else from the team attempts to build it. This is my attempt at the challenge.

Fully asked for "A custom mini ramp in space with a nice extension, stars, constellations, a spiral galaxy etc."

Fully I hope you like it dude, this was well outside of my comfort zone as i've never made a mini ramp before, let alone in space! No spiral galaxy though, but I think i got everything else!

Hope everyone else likes it too. It was kinda fun to make.

DL Link:

The Start Point!! Energize!

View from a mountain

The mini ramp (n.b. I've tried to make it look like the ramp has been sculpted/carved into the moons surface, like in a crater or something.

The Rock hip

Alt angle view of the mini ramp

A spine and mini ramp with a rock pole jam!!

Anyway guys thanks for taking a peek. hope you'll like it. If nothing else its deffo fun to shred with friends.

Peace Deacon