hahaha thanks everyone! Glad you're liking the video. I made this longer than the original 45 second CAP Thursday videos because some people thought they were too short haha So i'll try to keep it at a decent length, similar to this, so anyone down for sending clips is perfect.

To those wanting to send in clips for the next one, I've got a thread in the park section that I've put up saying which CAPs that have been featured already, and the next CAPs to be featured, so look in the park thread (I'll update it right after I'm done with this post lol so it should be near the top, depending on when you look for it lol)

@ Stevie: There's no rush dude, send in that video once it's all done I've already got a "waiting list" of like 7-8 clips, but it could be uploaded sooner because some people have told me before not to upload their video, so some videos might get uploaded sooner than others. And for the next CAP, look in the park thread too to see which one I'll feature next week Peace!