Rockstar can suck flaccid donkey cock.
They shelved Thrasher after it got beat out by THPS.
Thrasher came out a month before THPS with zero advertising.
THPS came out with a well-known face for the game and mega advertising.
Rockstar is the ones who screwed the pooch on it and tried to blame the shortcomings on Z-Axis Ltd.
So, they sat on the Thrasher license and put all their money into GTA.

Right now I'm banking on THPS stealing the Skate template for next years release.

If I could pick a dev team it would be THQ Digital Phoenix (Formerly Rainbow Studios) which is the team that did Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2.
They are the main team I think would put in the effort for a sport we all love.
Beenox (Activision team in Quebec who did Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions) would be another great dev team.
They are a great bunch of guys and very talented. Did some raiding with them in WoW as they are all geeks for it as well.