The comunity is coming back?
For who? There is maybe MAYBE 5% of the og crowd still around.
Maybe 20% of s2 (that number is surely high)

No offense (yeah right) I don't want any new guys for the most part. Mostly because if they weren't around before now they were too young or they aren't the type of dudes I originally gravitated towards. Mainly curent or ex skaters that enjoyed similar interests not just the game.

As far as the game itself I respect both sides of the argument. I have gotten over a year of satisfaction out of this game which is just as much as the other 2. Some things totally frustrate me, but the trade off for the added features (cap for s3) (afc for s2) are fine with me. But if the way the game went caused other cool folks to quit playing then I'd rather have what they want. A lot of my friends moved out of state, have kids etc etc I was never part of any social network or forum before skate and besides like Facebook I doubt I ever will. When all this is over for good, I'll def miss the comunity more than the game.