I posted a thread about this on Lb but I figured I would post it here as well.

Omen is a secondary team that I am starting up. If you haven't already seen the site you can see it here. We are currently looking for an 8 man team for Xbox 360. We are looking for good filmers and cool people to hang out with. So basically, I don't care if you are the best filmer in the world, if you're a douche bag you aren't getting on . Also, since I am not the best at GC, we will be looking for someone that is good at graphics. If you are good at graphics, post some in the description when asking to join.

Interested in Joining?
When asking to join Omen, please include anything that might help you out. So if you are good at graphics, post some of your work ect.
Note: A video is required before we can even consider you.

The Team