That's awesome. I wish I could have taken up photo when I was in school... couldn't afford a camera back then so didnt even bother.

Once I graduated HS and got a job that actually paid decently (plus my first credit card) I finally took the plunge. I started off with digital, Nikon D80 with 50mm f1.8 about 5 years back. Played with that for a few years then upgraded to a d300 and bought a bunch of old Nikon AIS Primes (20mm f2.8, 35mm f1.4, 50mm f1.2, 80mm f1.4). Then began lusting for a D700 (fullframe). Got that, used it for a few years then got the Voightlander R4a rangefinder... shortly have getting the rangefinder I sold all my digital stuff and have been shooting film for around 3 years now.

I have a little Sony NEX-5n (highly recommended, use an adapter for my rangefinder lenses, and it suites my digital needs just fine.