First off, RIP.

Anyone who knows me knows i'm massively anti-apple. not because i'm an android elitest, not becaus I can't afford apple products, and not because i don't want to fall into the Hipster iCult. I don't like it because it is a binding technology that forces you to only interface with other Apple products and limits the customizability (within warranty) of YOUR product.

Anyone who knows me also knows I'm an engineer and a tech nut. I'm a proud engineer (i put enough damn work in and spent enough money on school that i'm allowed to be proud) and recognize that any advancement in technology is a step in the right direction. Steve Jobs helped to mainstream the 'smartphone', a technology that i use on a daily basis for everything from gaming to work. And for that, I respect the man.

Before we start in with all the 'easy' jokes to make (they keep coming to me as i type this), remember, without the work that Steve Jobs did with Apple and developing iOS, iPod, Iphone, iPad, iEverything, we wouldn't have Android, touch screen everything, and tablets as mainstream, 'affordable', and 'connected' as we do today.

So weather you are a Windows phone, Android, iOS, Mac, PC, Linux, or Blackberry user, take a second to remember and respect a man that truly revolutionized the way we all receive, view, and share information today.

RIP Steve Jobs. I hate your phones but I envy your desire and ability to advance technology far beyond what any of us could have imagined as little as 5 years ago.