I had skate on release. Never really went online except for a few times with Hoodlum and TNO and Stev. Ask those guys to decypher my accent lol. Skate 2 was shit, skate 3 was cool, especially sessioning with Adda, needmoretime and the rest of the catface lot.

Influences i would say, Mazzdizzy, probably the first "superstar" fake skater, belvedere69, the guy who invented real switch so you can thank him for that, Plugg, always a cool guy, anyone who had the balls to be different, which as most of you know is hard in a game were everyone tries to copy the cool guys.

Skate 1 consumed most of my life around the time of its release. i have to give a shout to Magic and the Hoodlum boys for asking me to join. Magic in particular helped me with a few things, scratch my back sorta thing. A lot of you probably wont know me, i usually mind my own business round these parts, recently bought skate 1 and fell in love again. Think i might make a video actually....