the guys responsible for ruining my life is mainly the og dp dudes.. stevland, tno, midnight and shamas..

i thought stevland was the coolest dude, and he still is one of my best friends i never met.
tno always left me starstruck.. which is weird this being a videogame.. but yea, his skills and hunger for discovery was something to behold and follow in the early days and still is when i come to think about it.
midnight was the best gameplayer, ill never get to the control he had one month into the game.
and shamas was the one that made this fakeskating appeal to the real skater in me. hes approach, tricks and style was fresh, on point and something i wanted to emulate. shamas has been my biggest fire. miss him, even tho hes a dick. lol.

then i started getting inspired by guys like demzilla, reaperwrecker (reap n sow) and a lots of other dudes. theres so many. im thankful, lots of new friendships all over the globe.