Nice to see people reflecting on good times. I'll say more...

I've had two online sessions that I will never forget...

First was with Zulu the king. We were playing og. We skated every level of the parkade... started at the top. We had to land a banger before moving down a level. Then we moved over to hubba hideout, and threw down MORE bangers. I'll never forget the laughs, the excitement when landing a trick. I'd say I landed one of my best tricks in that session... 3 shuv to hurricane down a handrail. (doesn't sound hard. it just looked so damn good on the screen.)

Second was with islandvibez21. It was a game of switch cam skate on s3. Man... the energy. We played 2 games, 2 spots. Both games were dangerously close. I can remember Vibez throwing down two insane bangers... to put me out. I can remember following him up both times... with the most on-edge / sketchy tricks. Great times.

Also, nobody parties like Hoodlum. Clayfighter holds the funniest xbox live parties I have even been in... impressions and jokes for days. Anybody who knows clay would know im not sucking dick... but telling the truth. Good folks. I never really hung with hoodlum crowd for long, but for that little time, i had fun.