Played since the night of the OG demo release. Fell in love with the flickit system controls as I had stopped playing thps after the 1st underground. Met ZuluKing and illmaticAK47 in OG and the 3 of us started Team Technique. Made some clips here and there but didn't get into full scale vids till s2. Played the shit out of that with ill and zu and met some of the Henchman guys through EA forums. Never really got much feedback because I never commented on 'known' ppls vids. ChasmJ of Henchman always reached out to show love and asked me to join Henchman and I did.

Fast forward to S3 and I decided to really focus my attention on making my own kind of vids instead of copying what I kept seeing on the forums. Made vids, parks and had some fun. Joined 5150 and skated for them for a bit. Had some friends die unfortunate ways which made me want to stop playing altogether. Decided to change up my name and style and just ride solo. Downgraded to a smaller channel and now just happy to make my kind of vids.



Current faves include: Emericaridr11, boxerman, Wiltzuh, snail, seanne and a slew of others.

Never bothered with the 'OG' players as they tended to be elitist. Always tried to support up and coming riders through my yt channels.
